Universitas Mercu Buana

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The Utilization Of WEB-BASED Application System Redmine In Project Management

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Volume V/No.1/Mei/2013


Managing large projects involving people with their competence and complex tasks must be challenging. A company in developing software need to facilitate a project management in overseeing the conversion of software online and allows more efficient management of projects. Bug tracking system can accelerate the course of major projects being developed by the company so that it can see the changes made. Redmine is a web-based project management application built using an open source Ruby on Rails framework which has flexibility to track the bug so it can support in managing a project. A web-based project management has a special reliability challenges in following the inspiration of all members of the project with the objectivity of the project that can be used as role models and lead from many educational background in a team. It can create the will and read in a sustainable democratic cooperation and motivate that IT can be used to resolve conflicts which may occur. Web-based project management at its core is not only a leading member of a team, but also train them in the world of communication and social competition then motivate them to participate in further education.




Nia Kusuma Wardhani


Agile Development, Project management, Redmine, Scrum, Web-based Project Management Application
