Universitas Mercu Buana

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Aplikasi Sebagai Alat Bantu Pengaturan Penggunaan Ruang Kelas {Studi Kasus Gedung E & Rektorat Umb)

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Volume IV/No. 1/Mei/2012


Information is very important for students, which are also knowing the status of on going lecture along with its room and location will greatly help in the implementation of the lecture activity. Class room can be changed anytime and it give problems to students in order to find the replacement room. Those problems are going to be solved with help of an information system named Building E Classroom & Rectorate Utilization Application Tools. It will make the students easier to obtain information about ongoing lecture status. Software engineering method used is incremental method which is a revolutionary software engineering model. The result of this application development is still a prototype and not yet implemented When it is implemented, it will provide convenience for all concerned parties to know the status of ongoing classes easily, quickly and accurate.




Muhamad Zald, Leonard Goeirmanto


Class Room Application, Software Engineering
