Universitas Mercu Buana

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Aplikasi Analisator Sintaks Bahasa Pemrograman Turbo Pascal

Di pos oleh deyani -


Volume I/No. 2/November/2009


In order to communicate with others. human need medium or Looi that can be ulilized to supporet the activity. Language is one of many tools used world wide lo communicate wilh others. Since the difference of the language nature, it is possible that there will be miscommunication during the activity. When human is about lo communicate with computers, it is not directly by giving instructions, but human must utilize some ins/ ructions thal the computers understand. the instruc/ion is already been programmed in order / he computer undersland and execute it. Tobe able to synchronize between the instruclion and / he computer. tools such as syntactic analyzer are needed. This synlaclic analyz er checks whether the inputs of the instruction are correct or incorrect. The instructions processed by the synlactic analyzer will be matched with the prod uction rule. Should the instruction compZv with the production rules. then the instruction will be executed. Otherwise, if it is not comply. The synlactic analyzer will display an error message.




Devi Fitrianah. Mohammad Yani


Grammar, Production Rule, Syntactic Analyzer
