Universitas Mercu Buana

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Permainan 2 Player Gaza Wars pada Jaringan Lokal

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Volume III/No.1/Mei/2011


Games is one application that many people liked by many. Game Developers tend to prefer games that are developing applications compared to single user with multi user. This is because building a single user gaming applications is easier than building applications multi-user games. A computer game often use the computer network system so the game can be played by multiple people using multiple computers that connected in a local Area Network (LAN). The methodology used in the preparation of this thesis is the method of analysis and design methods. In the method of analysis, the authors do library research. While in game design methodology includes the design, system design, interface design.




Fajar Masya, Elvina, Budi Aryadi


Application Fleet War Games, Computer Game Applications, Network Games, Visual Basic Programming
